File type Checker


FileTypeChecker is a tool to determine the actual file type.
FileTypeChecker does this by looking into the file headers and footers.

Running FileTypeChecker

-make sure a Java Virtual Machine is installed (minimum JRE 1.4.2)
-unzip filetypechecker
-double click on FileTypeChecker.jar
-select document.xml for the xml file
-select the file you want to determine the type

For Developers:
place filetypechecker.jar in the classpath
filetypechecker.jar would try to pick the document.xml from the classpath, else specify the xml by
calling setXmlFilePath();

DocumentTypeChecker checker = new DocumentTypeChecker();
checker.setXmlFilePath("C:/document.xml");//Use this method if you encounter errors while running
Document document = checker.getDocumentType(file);

document object returns the properties of the file.


The project homepage is:

Changes in 1.0
Added Support for microsoft 2007 documents.

Changes in 0.2
Added GUI support.
Added Command Support.

Using javax Parser Now (earlier used apache crimpson)